
Bumper Sticker

I am thinking about getting this printed as a bumper sticker for cars
or whatever...It would be die cut around the shape.


It's official. I have an Etsy Shop.

I finally opened my Etsy shop today. I am nervous and excited and glad I did it at the same time. It's called the same as my blog: " A Call To Create ". It primarlily sells products that will support the babies either not born into this world or that are about to be aborted. It's something I feel so strongly about that I had to do something about it. I feel that as an artist, I had to release my feelings through my designs. Anyway, it's up and I had to share. Thanks for reading!

My Etsy Shop


Another Pro-Life T-Shirt...

Yes another one. I just can't stop.

New Pro-Life Design

So here is another pro-life design. This is just the design. I haven't put this on a t-shirt yet. Or a sticker, bag...I would like incorporate all these pro-life designs on on stickers, bags, t-shirts, cards...you name it. One step at a time. Right now I am just in my design phase and step by step, I will add the gear and then eventually will have my own etsy shop that focuses on this issue. I love designing for this. It makes me happy. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading.


More Pro-Life T-Shirts

Like I said, I have this passion to create all this Pro-Life "gear". Here is
another t-shirt idea.


I Guess I Should Start Writing...

I haven't written in my blog. My first purpose was just to have a temporary website, until I built my personal website to show some of my portfolio samples. But I think I am going to start writing now. Other designers' blogs have inspired me and I like it. One thing I love to do is create and design. I am a Catholic and have this calling lately to design pro-life t-shirts and stickers and bags or whatever I can get printed. I want to get my message out there on this subject and pretty soon here I am going to have an etsty shop where people can buy these pro-life products; along with other design pieces that are more generic. Anyway, I will continue to write and post things that inspire me; but also things that I have done.

Thanks for reading.